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Removal Wizard

Customizing the OPC File

Whether Setup removes unneeded files from previously installed versions of Office automatically, or if you run the Removal Wizard to clean up users’ computers, you can control what is detected for removal by customizing the OPC file.

Contents of the OPC file

The OPC file consists of two sections: Definitions and Commands. The Definitions section determines which commands in the Commands section to carry out.

The OPC file identifies files, registry entries, INI file entries, and Start menu items that were installed or modified by previously installed versions of Office and Office-related products. The OPC file also contains rules that describe which of these files or entries to remove, where they are located, and under what conditions they can be deleted.

When the Removal Wizard runs, it processes the OPC file. In safe mode, the wizard marks items for removal only if it does not detect a corresponding application. When the wizard runs in aggressive mode, it marks all items for removal.


Working with the OPC file

The default OPC file included with Office is Offcln9.opc and is used by both the Removal Wizard and Office Setup. By editing this file, or by modifying a copy of the OPC file, you can specify which components to remove from the users’ computers. You can also use the OPC file to remove non-Office components, such as custom applications.

Toolbox   You can find information about the syntax of the OPC file and instructions for modifying the OPC file in the Word document OPC.doc. For information about installing OPC.doc, see Office Information.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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