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Installing PhotoDraw with Office

How to Create an Administrative Installation Point for PhotoDraw

If you want users in your organization to install Microsoft PhotoDraw from a network location, you must run PhotoDraw Setup in administrative mode to install all files from Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) to an administrative installation point on a network server. You must also copy the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) to a network location.

The procedure for creating an administrative installation point for Microsoft PhotoDraw differs from the one for Microsoft Office 2000. For example, you do not use the Office Custom Installation Wizard to modify client installation features for PhotoDraw. Instead, you modify installation features while running Setup in administrative mode.

Copy the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2)

Before you create an administrative installation point, you must copy the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) to a network share. PhotoDraw looks for the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2) on this share whenever a user accesses PhotoDraw templates, clip art, or other graphical content in the user interface. The network share must have at least 430 megabytes (MB) of available disk space.


Run Setup in administrative mode

After you copy the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2), you create the administrative installation point by running Setup from Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) by using the /a command-line option.

Note   PhotoDraw comes with two Setup.exe files. One file is located at the root level of Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) and the other is located in the PhotoDrw folder. For administrative Setup to work properly, you must run Setup from the PhotoDrw folder instead of from the root level location.

To run Setup in administrative mode

  1. Create a share on a network server for the administrative installation point.

    The network share must have at least 300 MB of available disk space.

  2. On a computer running Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 with write access to the share, connect to the server share.
  3. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse.
  4. On Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) in the CD-ROM drive, select Setup.exe in the PhotoDrw folder, and then click Open.
  5. On the command line following setup.exe, type /a.

    For example:

    E:\Photodrw\Setup.exe /a


Enter organization name and CD key

Before you enter the CD key, Setup allows you to specify your organization name. This organization name appears on users’ computers in the About Microsoft PhotoDraw box (Help menu) in PhotoDraw.

When users run Setup from the CD-ROM, they are prompted for an organization name. However, when users run Setup from the administrative installation point, the organization name that you specified is used.


Specify folder and server locations for PhotoDraw files

Next, enter the location for the PhotoDraw folders on the administrative installation point. Setup prompts you to create two folders. One folder contains the main program files, and the other one contains the shared program files.

You must also verify the server connection and specify the way in which users connect to the administrative installation point.

To specify folder and server locations

  1. On the Microsoft PhotoDraw Setup panel, enter the name and path for the folder on the administrative installation point in which you want to store the main PhotoDraw program files.
  2. Enter the name and a path for the folder in which you want to store the shared program files.

    You can store these files on the same server as the folder that contains the main program files or on a different server altogether.

  3. On the Network Server Confirmation panel, under Network location, verify that the server name and path for the shared applications folder are correct.

    Type the exact path that users must type when they install PhotoDraw.

  4. Under Connect to server using, click Server Name if you want users to reference the shared applications folder with a universal naming convention (UNC) path.

    – or –

    If you want users to connect to the server by using a drive letter, click Drive Letter and enter a drive letter in the Drive box.

Setup verifies the server by connecting to it as specified. If Setup cannot connect to the server, an error message is displayed. Errors can occur for several reasons. The following table explains what to do to correct these errors.

If the error is caused by this Do this
Misspelled server or share name Click Edit and correct the name.
Share not yet created Click Continue; and create the share before users begin installing Office.
Cannot connect to a local share on the server. (Some networks do not allow you to do this if you run PhotoDraw directly from the server.) Click Continue; you can verify the share later from another computer on the network.
Invalid UNC path Click Continue; verify that the share is accessible before users try to install from this server.


Specify an installation option for shared applications

After you verify the path for the shared applications folder, you must specify how you want users to access shared applications. The option you select here controls the choices that users have during client Setup.

Note   For PhotoDraw, shared applications include graphics filters. These filters require 10 MB of available disk space.

To select an installation option for shared applications

  • To have users run shared applications over the network, click Server.

    – or –

    To install shared applications on each user’s hard disk, click Local Hard Drive.

    – or –

    To allow users to choose where to install shared applications during client Setup, click User’s Choice.


Accept end-user license agreement

Setup displays the end-user license agreement. By accepting the agreement here, you are accepting on behalf of the users who install PhotoDraw from this administrative installation point.


Customize the client installation process

The final panel in PhotoDraw Setup is Microsoft PhotoDraw Administrator Setup, where you can override default installation options on users’ computers with your own settings.

To customize the client installation process

  1. On the PhotoDraw Administrator Setup panel, type the name and path for the folder where you copied the contents of Office Disc 4 (PhotoDraw Disc 2).

    Be sure to specify whether users gain access to the server by using a drive letter or a UNC path. If you select a drive letter, your users must map the drive letter to the network server in order to run PhotoDraw.

  2. To change the installation location for PhotoDraw, type a name, path, and drive letter for the new installation folder.

    By default, PhotoDraw is installed in the same place as Microsoft Office on users’ computers.

    Important   The new installation folder and path must exist on the computer that you are using to run administrative Setup.

  3. To specify a different name for the PhotoDraw application shortcut, type the name in the Shortcut Name box.
  4. To specify where the PhotoDraw application shortcut is installed, click an option in the Shortcut Location box.

Note   To use the PhotoDraw shortcut in the Quick Launch bar, users must have the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 Windows Desktop Update installed on their computers.

Setup copies the PhotoDraw files from Office Disc 3 (PhotoDraw Disc 1) to the administrative installation point along with the customizations that you just made. Users can now run client Setup from this administrative installation point and install PhotoDraw on their computers.


See also

Using command-line options gives you more control over Setup choices. For more information, see Using Command-Line Options with Acme Setup.

After you create an administrative installation point, users can install PhotoDraw from that location. For more information about the client installation process, see How to Run PhotoDraw Setup on Client Computers.

You can install PhotoDraw at the same time as the other Office 2000 applications. For more information about this process, see Managing a Successive Deployment of Office Premium and Related Products.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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