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The Office 2000 Resource Kit

Office 2000 Resource Kit Toolbox

The Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit contains a number of tools that help you to customize, configure, and deploy Office 2000 within your organization. You can install most of the core tools and support documents by using one integrated Setup program.

Toolbox   The Office Resource Kit Setup program is available from both the Office Resource Kit CD-ROM, which is included with the printed book, and from the download site of the Office Resource Kit Web site. For information about the Office Resource Kit Setup program, see Overview of Tools and Utilities.

The following table summarizes the key tools.

Tool name Description
Custom Installation Wizard Allows you to create a different Windows installer transform (MST file) for every installation scenario you need, without altering the original Windows installer package (MSI file).
Excel Tools Provides a collection of Microsoft Excel utilities that can help you manage dates, files, and workbooks.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 5 Lets you customize, distribute, and maintain Internet Explorer 5 from one central location.
Language Version Allows you to change the installation language of Office 2000 without reinstalling the applications.
Terminal Server Tools Includes the Motionless Office Assistant and Setup tools for the Windows Terminal Server environment.
Profile Wizard Helps you to create and save a default user profile, including standard locations for files and templates.
Removal Wizard Lets you maintain a fine level of control over which files are removed from a user’s system.
System Management Server Package Definition Files Used by Microsoft Systems Management Server to install Office 2000 applications remotely.
System Policy Editor and Templates Allows you to set and control the user interface and behavior of an application.
Unbind Binders Utility Allows you to create separate Office documents from a binder document.
Microsoft Office 2000 Pre-Installation Pack for Windows NT Allows you to upgrade the Microsoft Windows NT operating system so that Office 2000 can be installed without requiring Administrator privileges for end users.

In addition to these tools, the Office Resource Kit includes a collection of reference documents, spreadsheets, and sample files. Complementary tools, such as the HTML Help Workshop and the Microsoft FrontPage® 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit, are also included.


See also

For a list and description of all tools, utilities, and support documents included with the Office Resource Kit, see Overview of Tools and Utilities.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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