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Upgrading to Word 2000

Sharing Documents with Word 95 and Word 6.0 Users

Microsoft Word 2000 users can open Word 95 and Word 6.0 documents; and Word 2000 supports all data and formatting in these earlier versions of Word.

When Word 95 and Word 6.0 users open Word 2000 documents, some data and formatting are lost because Word 95 and Word 6.0 do not offer the new and enhanced features in Word 2000. The following strategies can help users who are sharing documents among these versions of Word:

  • Word 95 and Word 6.0 users can open Word 2000 documents by installing the Word 97-2000 text converter included in the Microsoft Office Converter Pack.
  • Word 2000 users can save documents in one of the following file formats: HTML (Web Page), Rich Text Format (RTF), dual file format, and Word 6.0/95.

Note that Word 95 and Word 6.0 have a 32-megabyte (MB) size limit for document files. If users get a message when they try to save a large document in RTF, Word 97-2000 & 6.0/95-RTF, or Word 6.0/95 format, they can divide the document into smaller files.

System Policy Tip   You can use a system policy to define the default value for the Save as type option in the Save As dialog box (File menu). In the System Policy Editor, set the Microsoft Word 2000\Tools | Options\Save\Save Word files as policy. For more information about the System Policy Editor, see Using the System Policy Editor.


Opening documents in Word 95 and Word 6.0

If you are planning a one-time upgrade to Word 2000, and your workgroup includes a large number of Word 95 and Word 6.0 users, users can open Word 2000 documents directly in Word 95 and Word 6.0. However, Word 95 and Word 6.0 users must install the Word 97-2000 converter included in the Microsoft Office Converter Pack before they can open documents saved in Word 97-2000 format.

Toolbox   The Microsoft Office Converter Pack includes converters for Word 95 and Word 6.0 users. For information about installing these converters, see Microsoft Office Converter Pack.

The following table identifies features that might affect data or formatting when Word 95 and Word 6.0 users open Word 2000 documents.

When this Word 2000 feature Is opened in Word 95 or Word 6.0
Animated text (Animation tab) Animated text formatting is lost.
Character borders (Borders tab) Character borders are lost.
Character shading (Shading tab) Character shading is lost.
DOCPROPERTY field The DOCPROPERTY field is retained in Word 95. In Word 6.0, the DOCPROPERTY field displays “Error! Bookmark not defined.”
Document properties (File menu) New document properties are preserved in Word 95, but they are lost in Word 6.0.
Embedded fonts The embedded fonts are lost, and Word 6.0 or Word 95 assigns the closest font available.
Embossed and engraved characters (Font tab) Embossed and engraved characters are converted to AutoColor.
EMF, PNG, and JPEG graphics Graphics in these formats are saved in the document, but Word 2000 also creates WMF format versions. Word 6.0 or Word 95 displays the WMF version of the graphics; the original formats are preserved in the document for better fidelity if the document is reopened in Word 2000.
Floating OLE objects Floating OLE objects are converted in a frame.
Floating pictures surrounded by wrapped text Floating pictures are converted in a frame to WMF format.
Forms controls Forms controls are displayed, but they cannot be modified.
Highlighting applied with the Highlight button (Formatting toolbar) Highlighting is preserved in Word 95. (In Word 6.0, highlighting is lost.)
HYPERLINK field (Insert menu) The field displays “Error! Bookmark not defined.” When the document is reopened in Word 2000, the HYPERLINK field is re-established.
Multilevel and heading numbering Lists are converted to plain text, and the numbering property is lost.
Page borders (Page Border tab) Page borders are lost.
Paragraph borders (Borders tab) Paragraph borders are converted to the border styles used in Word 95 and Word 6.0.
Password protection options in the Save As dialog box (File menu) Word 95 and Word 6.0 users cannot open password­protected Word 2000 documents.
Protect Document settings (Tools menu) The password is lost, but the protection state is retained.
Shadow and outline effects (Font tab) Shadow and outline effects are lost.
Tracked changes to properties, paragraph numbers, and display fields (Tools menu) Revision marks for properties, paragraph numbers, and display fields are lost, but other revision marks are retained.
Unicode characters Unicode characters can be lost. Unicode characters (2 bytes per character) are mapped to corresponding ANSI (Windows), or converted to question marks (?). Foreign language characters might be affected.
Vertical text in table cells Vertical text is reformatted as horizontal text.
Vertically aligned text in table cells Vertically aligned text is reformatted to align at the top of the cell.
Vertically merged table cells Merged table cells are unmerged.


Saving documents in Web Page format

If users need to share Word 2000 documents with Word 95 users, they can save the documents in Web Page format, which converts the documents to HTML format. To save Word 2000 documents in HTML format, on the File menu, click Save As, and then in the Save as type box, click Web Page.

Word 95 users must install the HTML converter, and then they can use a Web browser to open and make changes to the converted document. The HTML converter is included in the Microsoft Office Converter Pack.

Toolbox   The Microsoft Office Converter Pack includes the HTML converter for Word 95 users. For information about installing this converter, see Microsoft Office Converter Pack.


Saving documents in Rich Text Format

Rich Text Format (RTF) is a native file format for Word 2000, Word 95, and Word 6.0. When a user saves a Word 2000 document in RTF, the formatting converts to text instructions that Word 95 and Word 6.0 can read. The document is also given a different file name extension (.rtf).

The advantages of saving documents in Rich Text Format include the following:

  • Text and formatting are saved.
  • Any version of Word, and other programs such as Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe PageMaker can read RTF documents.

The disadvantages of saving documents in Rich Text Format include the following:

  • Because the RTF document has an .rtf file name extension, the file name does not appear in the Open dialog box until the user clicks All Files (*.*) in the Files of type box.
  • RTF documents increase in size after conversion. For example, graphics convert from their compressed JPEG or PNG format in Word 2000 to bitmaps, which can be up to 10 times larger.
  • Password protection is lost.


Saving documents in a dual file format

When you save a Word 2000 document in the Word 97-2000 & 6.0/95-RTF format, the dual file format document is a combination of binary and RTF formats. However, the file name extension (.doc) indicates that the document is a Word document. You can customize Setup to install the Word 97-2000 & 6.0/95-RTF text converter (Wrd6er32.cnv) the first time a user activates the feature.

The advantages of saving documents in Word 97-2000 & 6.0/95-RTF format include the following:

  • Text and formatting are retained when the file is saved.
  • Word 95 and Word 6.0 users can open and edit the documents, and then they can save the documents in either RTF or native binary format.

The disadvantages of saving documents in Word 97-2000 & 6.0/95-RTF format include the following:

  • Macros and passwords are lost in the conversion.
  • When Word 95 and Word 6.0 users make changes, and then save a dual file format document, the Word 2000 features are lost when the document is reopened in Word 2000.
  • Dual file format documents are generally larger in size than documents in Word 6.0/95 format. For example, Word 2000 graphics convert from their compressed JPEG or PNG format in Word 2000 to bitmaps in dual file format documents, which can be up to 10 times larger.


See also

When Word 2000 users share documents with users of other applications, you can change the default format in which Word 2000 saves documents. For more information, see How to Specify the Default Format in Which to Save Files.

The Removal Wizard removes unnecessary and obsolete files, settings, and components installed by previous versions of Office and related applications. For more information, see Removal Wizard.

Office 2000 includes new and enhanced features for publishing documents on your intranet or the World Wide Web. For more information, see Using HTML and Office Document Formats.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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