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Upgrading to Outlook 2000

Sharing Information with Microsoft Mail 3.x

Microsoft Outlook 2000 can exchange messages with users of Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows. Outlook 2000 recognizes all Microsoft Mail 3.x message properties. However, Microsoft Mail 3.x users might not be able to view or use portions of Outlook 2000 messaging information.

Although Outlook 2000 works with Microsoft Mail post offices, the full set of Outlook 2000 features is available only when you use it with Microsoft Exchange Server. The following Outlook 2000 features require Microsoft Exchange Server:

  • Opening e-mail folders as a delegate of another user
  • Security for “Sent on behalf of” messages
  • Deferred delivery and message expiration
  • Digital signatures and encryption
  • Public folders
  • Full-text search

In addition, Microsoft Mail 3.x and Outlook 2000 cannot share the same message store. To use data from a Microsoft Mail 3.x message store, users must import the message store to an Outlook-compatible format. Microsoft Exchange Server includes a utility that imports Microsoft Mail 3.x message stores to Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) format.


Exchanging messages

Microsoft Mail 3.x users cannot take full advantage of many Outlook 2000 messaging features, including the following.

This Outlook feature Has these limitations in Mail 3.x
Enhanced standard message form Mail 3.x users cannot view advanced features such as message expiration.
Extended message properties Mail 3.x ignores extended message properties such as voting buttons.
Custom field types Mail 3.x does not display custom field types.
Rich Text Format (RTF) in messages Plain text replaces RTF in messages.
Attachments Mail 3.x users cannot view messages with other attached messages. Other attached Outlook items are viewed as text-only.
Embedded hyperlinks Mail 3.x views hyperlinks as text only.
Unlimited message size Mail 3.x has size limitations, but it can save entire messages to file or print.
HTML-based e-mail messages Mail 3.x displays HTML as plain text.
vCard feature Mail 3.x does not support the vCard feature.

Toolbox   The Microsoft Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98 provides additional file sharing information for Microsoft Mail 3.x, including information about exchanging forms and delegating tasks. This archive edition is included in its entirety in the Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit. For more information, see Microsoft Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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