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Managing Web Subscriptions on an OSE-extended Web

On your OSE-extended web, you have several options to help you manage the Web Subscriptions feature. A user who subscribes to a file chooses to receive an e-mail notification when a file changes or when a discussion is added or deleted. You can view the details of each subscription; and you can filter the view of all active Web Subscriptions, delete specific Web Subscriptions, enable and disable the Web Subscriptions feature, and specify the time of day that you want the change notices sent to subscribers.

When you view the details of an active Web Subscription on your OSE-extended web, you see the following elements:

  • Microsoft Windows NT account name of the subscriber
  • URL of the folder or document subscribed to
  • Event that triggers e-mail notification
  • E-mail address where notifications are sent

When you filter your view of Web Subscriptions, you can analyze how users are using the Web Subscriptions feature. You can even select individual Web Subscriptions to delete. You have several options for deleting individual Web Subscriptions. You can delete a subscription by using the Windows NT account name of the subscriber, the URL of the folder or document subscribed to, or the e-mail address where notifications are sent.

When you enable Web Subscriptions, you can set the frequency that users receive e-mail notifications. When users create a subscription, they choose to receive updates When a change occurs, Once a day, or Once a week. You define these intervals more precisely on the OSE-extended web where they correspond to the Immediate, Daily, and Weekly intervals, respectively.

Consider changing the frequency for Immediate notifications under the following circumstances:

  • Users are configuring a large number of subscriptions.
  • The documents or discussions on your OSE-extended web change frequently.
  • You don’t want to overburden your Web server or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server with many e-mail notifications.

Consider disabling Web Subscriptions under the following circumstances:

  • You do not have an SMTP mail server that can generate the e-mail notifications.
  • You do not want to burden your mail server with automatic e-mail notifications.
  • You do not want to offer Web Subscriptions to users.

Tip   If users do not need updates during the workday, you can schedule the e-mail notification for Daily and Weekly intervals at off-peak hours. This setting reduces traffic on your Web server, SMTP mail server, and network.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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