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System Policy Editor and Templates

The Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit includes an updated version of the System Policy Editor and a number of system policy template files that provide the means for controlling the installed configuration of Office 2000.

System Policy Editor

Office 2000 applications have many options that users can customize to alter the user interface and behavior of the application. As a network administrator, you can set many of these options remotely by using Windows system policies. System policies allow you to provide greater consistency among client computers and to centralize support and maintenance efforts. For Office 2000, you can set and control the use of a much broader range of options than you could in Office 97.

System Policy Templates

The Office Resource Kit includes system policy templates for each of the Office 2000 applications. Each template contains settings for all configurable options for the application. You can edit the templates to change default settings and prevent users from changing certain settings. The following table lists the policy templates included with the Office Resource Kit.

Application Policy template
Office 2000 (common settings) Office9.adm
Access Access9.adm
Clip Gallery Clipgal5.adm
Excel Excel9.adm
FrontPage Frontpg4.adm
Outlook Outlk9.adm
PowerPoint Ppoint9.adm
Publisher Pub9.adm
Windows installer Instlr1.adm
Word Word9.adm


Installing the System Policy Editor and Templates

The System Policy Editor and Templates are automatically installed on your computer when you install the Office Resource Kit. To locate the editor, click the Start button, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Office Tools, point to Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Tools, and then click System Policy Editor. By default, the templates are installed in the \Program Files\ORKTools\ToolBox\Tools\Policy folder.


See also

For more information, see Managing Users’ Options with System Policies and Using the System Policy Editor.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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